Pool Renovation Update

Great to see so many swimmers this weekend and reconnect with neighborhood friends! We realized that very few people, even those who use the pool regularly, are informed of the circumstances surrounding the Village Homes Community Pool.

If we do not make renovations to meet Ventura County codes, the pool will be SHUT DOWN by the end of 2015. Handicap Access, Pool Shed, Deck, Pool Surface all must be up to code and is the reason for this massive project. The cost of the project will be at least $500,000.

In order to fund the project, our Board is working with banks to meet conditions required by lenders to fund the loan. In order to attain the funding, our HOA will need money earmarked via an assessment to the lender. We might need to hold a community vote, which would require a quorum and participation of 51% of Village Homes Home Owners.

Wednesday May 13th @ 9am is the next HOA meeting. Please attend, and contribute to the discussion surrounding our options to efficiently and effectively navigate the pool renovation process.

Encourage your neighbors to join Nextdoor.com so that the Village Homes Board has a platform to disseminate information and keep you all in the loop regarding this project. Should we require a community vote we need everyone’s support and participation.


Your Pool Renovation Team